Monday, December 23, 2019

Morality And Tolerance Paper - 1610 Words

Morality and Tolerance Paper 1 Every person is born with a moral compass, the knowledge of right and wrong. As we grow and experience life, we get to choose what we believe is right and wrong. This becomes the foundation of your life; it’s why we do what we do. And as every person grows up and discovers his or her own principles, it’s easy to meet a person with different values, especially as Christians. But why should you, or anyone care about morality and the problems involved with tolerance? C.S. Lewis explained it like this, â€Å"In reality, moral rules are directions for running the human machine.†(Lewis, 69) He explains that moral rules are directions on how we should live our lives, but at first they seem to be keeping us from running†¦show more content†¦I’ve been, however, struggling with how to go about this situation. I smiled and told Beth that her girlfriend was pretty. Beth was overjoyed that I didn’t freak out about it; I simply told her that I loved her no matter who she loved. I was raised to believe that God made marriage for one man and one woman. I’ve been raised to love everyone, despite his or her flaws or misconceptions. I’ve also been raised to stand up and defend my beliefs. But when another’s morals come crashing into mine, it’s confusing knowing what to do. I don’t want Beth to think that I’m okay with her lifestyle. But I also don’t want her to think of me as another judgmental Christian. How can one love without accepting? This happens everywhere daily. The â€Å"Me Generation† I’ve been born into has a belief system that you should do whatever makes you happy. But when every person has his own beliefs about what’s right and what’s wrong; there will always be contradictions. It’s inevitable. Christians all over America struggle with the choices of morality daily too. In May 2008, the Barna Group conducted a survey of 1003 adults (18 and older). (The Barna Group) They said it was indicated that about 55% of adults talk about moral issues with others during a normal week. It’s not an issue you can avoid. It will follow you around for your entire life. Although some people don’t even believe that morality exists. Adam Zerner wrote an article about this, he says it plainly: â€Å"Morality doesn’t

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